Our Results
Performance Data
Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2019
At the end of 2019, 88% of pupils attained a good level of development against the Early Years Framework.
This is above the 2018 national average (72%). 2019 National data to follow.
A good level of development means achieving the Early Learning Goals (ELG) within the three prime areas: Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal Social and Emotional Development and the ELGs within the Literacy and Mathematics areas.
End of Key Stage 1 2019 (Y2)
Percentage of children achieving the expected level or above
- Reading: 88% (National 75%)
- Writing: 88% (National 70%)
- Maths: 55% (National 76%)
Percentage of children achieving a higher score (greater depth)
- Reading: 11% (National 26%)
- Writing: 11% (National 16%)
- Maths: 0% (National 22%)
Phonics Check 2019 (Y1)
85% of our Year 1 pupils attained the threshold score of 32 or above (national average 83%).
KS2 2019 School Results (Y6)
(Y6 group = 4 pupils, 1 pupil = 25%)
Reading, Writing and Maths combined (Altarnun)
50% achieved the combined expected standard
Reading (Altarnun)
50% achieved expected standard and above
0% achieved greater depth
Spelling and Grammar (GPS) (Altarnun)
50% achieved expected standard and above
0% achieved greater depth
Writing (Altarnun)
50% achieved expected standard and above
0% achieved greater depth
Maths (Altarnun)
50% achieved expected standard and above
0% achieved a greater depth
2019 National Results
Reading, Writing and Maths combined (National)
65% achieved the combined expected standard
Reading (National)
73% achieved expected standard and above
Average Scaled Score: 104
Spelling and Grammar (GPS) (National)
Writing (National)
78% achieved expected standard and above
TBA achieved greater depth
Maths (National)
75% achieved expected standard and above
TBA achieved greater depth
Average Scaled Score: 105